Monday, August 25, 2014

A little ink and marker over some pencils... doodle time with my oldest boy. :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I love Rocket and Groot.

 Adam Warlock is just a really fun character to draw.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sandman Dream and Daniel...

Here is a more refined drawing of Morpheus. This drawing looks the most like a paper drawing I've done yet... Daniel's not quite on character but I like the direction.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Just finished The Sandman... can't stop doodling Dream.

I had my luggage stolen on a work trip a couple of weeks ago and I lost my Samsung Series 7 Slate. Luckily I had my flyer in my pocket, unluckily I lost maybe 100 doodles on the Slate, and a full paper sketchbook along with a full Copic Grey set. Extra unluckily at the last moment I had a great idea and grabbed my 2 personal backup drives to clean up in my spare time on the trip... so the images are gone for good.
I got a Surface Pro 2, and have slowly been getting the settings together.
I also just finished the entire run of The Sandman and haven't been able to stop drawing the characters.
The top images were done on the Surface, the bottom 4 images on the Flyer.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Doodles From September

There is a 2 shot progression in here of Sandman, 2 designs I doodled while reading A Wind Through The Keyhole of the "snake man" point of the shapeshifter and a quick bird.

A little color... can't decide if it
hurts or helps.

I like the arched ribcage...

I love the idea of the back legs being so small...
deceptively hiding his speed like an alligator or crocodile.